Friday 18 November 2011

Eden District Council Development Control Visit

Monday 21st November, 11am at the Chamley Arms. Villagers welcome to attend to see what work has been done and air their views with the Planning Enforcement Officer, Adam McNally about listed building consent, conversion, planning applications submitted and refused for the pub, etc.


  1. An interesting visit. Once we were finally permitted entrance by Phil Pepper, who invited us through EDC's enforcement officer, Adam McNally.

    There has been a considerable amount of work done to the property that in many planning authorities would be deemed not permissible. Especially in a listed building without having applied for consent, and even then would have been queried, challenged and submitted to building regs. Many of our local builders would probably challenge what is being permitted to pass in this building at present without inspection. And ask why.

    The new planning applications were validated by EDC last Monday, but as yet no notifications have been sent out to the neighbours, Parish Council or interested parties. There will be 21 days during which every individual, household and business who wishes to can contact the Planning Authority with concerns, objections etc.

    Warcop Parish Council will discuss this at the meeting on 28th Nov.

  2. Sorry but I can't agree with your take on the visit. The planner seemed very fair and at times went to lengths to explain that Phil had consulted with him. He didn't have an issue with several of the alterations inside that had been brought to his notice.
