Warcop Parish Council

(Please note, we will resolve the format of the minutes in the near future for easy reading. Please bear with us).

All news, minutes, meeting dates etc will be listed here for Warcop, Sandford, Flitholme and Bleatarn. Please contribute to our Parish Council.

Next meeting Monday 10th October 2011, 7.30pm in the Village Hall

Meeting of Warcop Parish Council will be held on Monday 10th October 2011 at 7.30pm in Warcop Village Hall.
  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of the last meeting to be approved
  3. Matters arising
  4. Public Session – Presentation to former Councillors
  5. Travellers
  6. Finance
    1. To consider payments
  7. Highways Report
  8. Big Society/#cyber Café/New Village Hall/ Broadband
  9. Chairman/Deputy Chairman/Calender for meetings
  10. Report back from meetings attended
  11. Community Issues
    1. Permissive Footpath update
    2. Planning
  12. Correspondence
  13. Councillors reports & items for future agenda
  14. Date & Time of next meeting

Yours sincerely

Heidi Strong (Clerk to Warcop Parish Council)

To: All Parish Councillors:- Mr W J Heron Mr T Dent Mr G Deighton Mr J Evans Miss L Annison Mrs J Donaldson – Allen Mrs A Daldry and District Councillor W Patterson for information and for publication on all Parish Notice Boards.

Next meeting Monday 22nd August 2011, 7.30pm in the Village Hall.



Mr J Heron Mrs Heidi Strong

Brooklyn Wheatsheaf Cottage
Warcop Warcop
Appleby-in-Westmorland Appleby-in-Westmorland

Cumbria CA16 6XN Cumbria CA16 6NP

017683 41559  017683 41102

Dear Councillor

I hereby give you notice that a Meeting of Warcop Parish Council will be held on Monday 22nd August 2011 at 7.30pm in Warcop Village Hall.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of the last meeting to be approved
  3. Matters arising
  4. Public Session
  5. Travellers
  6. Finance
    1. To consider payments
    2. New Bank Details
    3. Burial Certificate signatures
  7. Highways Report
  8. Big Society
  9. Co-option of Parish Councillor
  10. Report back from meetings attended
  11. Community Issues
    1. Permissive Footpath update
    2. Parish Land
    3. Planning re: Reading Room
  12. Correspondence
  13. Councillors reports & items for future agenda
  14. Date & Time of next meeting

Yours sincerely

Heidi Strong (Clerk to Warcop Parish Council)

To: All Parish Councillors:- Mr W J Heron Mr T Dent Mr G Deighton Mr J Evans

Miss L Annison Mrs J Donaldson - Allen and District Councillor W Patterson for information and for publication on all Parish Notice Boards.


Meeting 6th June 2011

1) Apologies for absence
2) Minutes of the last meeting to be approved
3) Matters arising
4) Public Session
5) Travellers
6) Finance
a) To consider payments
7) Appointment of Highways Representative
8) Co-option of Parish Councillor
9) Report back from Meetings Attended
10) Community Issues
a) Permissive Footpath update
b) Parish Land
c) Planning
11) Correspondence
12) Councillors Reports and items for future agenda
13) Date & Time of next meeting

Please note the public session will be approximately 5-10 minutes only.


Minutes of a Meeting of Warcop Parish Council
Held on Monday 6th June 2011
In Warcop Village Hall
at 7.30 pm

PRESENT: Councillors W J Heron (Chairman) Councillors T Dent G Deighton J Evans L Annison and J Donaldson - Allen

ALSO PRESENT: Mrs Strong and 5 members of the public

  1. Apologies for Absence: None

  1. Minutes of the Last Meeting held on 9th May 2011
These were read and signed as an accurate record of the last meeting.

  1. Matters Arising
Everything is in place ready for the travellers. The Chairman asked Elaine Lomas from EDC if she would ask if the field could be opened a day early to let horse drawn vehicles on early. No response back yet.
Lindsay Annison has accepted to be one of the villages Broadband Champions.
The MOD has written to the Chairman saying that they would not be prepared to rent out any land to be used for the travellers. Councillor Evans said he would like to write to the Land Agents at York regarding this.

  1. Election of Officers
Only 3 out of the 7 available seats were taken. They are John Heron, Tony Dent and Jeff Evans. It was agreed that Councillor Heron would continue as chair for a further 6 months. It was also agreed to co-opt onto the Parish Council, Mr Gordon Deighton, Miss L Annison and Mrs Jane Donaldson-Allen. A member of the public expressed and interest to also be co-opted on, but it was agreed that a resident from Sandford should be approached so that all of the parishes were fully represented.

  1. Finance
There were no payments. The Balance b/fwd is £9279.87 this includes all Cemetery Fees.

  1. Highwayman’s Report
Nothing to report. A new representative will have to be elected at the next meeting.

  1. Report back from Meetings
The Chairman attended a Liaison Meeting at Warcop Army Camp. There will be no more redundancies, more multi-tasking and the whole of the North are joining together. There will be a reduction in man power until 2015.

  1. Bleatarn Parish Land
This land is rented out on a 5 year agreement. The Chairman has asked PF&K how much notice you have to give for a rent increase. You have to give 12 months’ notice so it was agreed to issue a rent review notice.

  1. Permissive Path
Unfortunately this had to be closed due to people leaving gates open and dogs being left to freely roam the land. This may or may not be a permanent measure.  By law a permissive path can be closed at any time, the landowners do not need to serve notice. It was agreed that Councillor Dent would arrange to meet with the land owner to see if a compromise could be reached and hopefully re-open the path.

  1. Public Footpath
CCC have been in touch with regards to Crooks Bridge. They have now been granted permission from the Countryside Agency and are now waiting to hear from the land owners for permission to carry out work.

  1. Correspondence
The willow maze has been tidied up and weaved back in. The seats were late been put out due to Mr Forrester having no transport at that time. A resident asked if the Parish Council would cut back an overhanging tree near the flagpole.

  1. Councillor Reports and items for future agenda
Nothing to add

  1. Date & Time of Next Meeting
Monday 6th June 2011 at 7.30pm

SIGNED………………………………..(Chairman) DATED………………………………

To: All Councillors: Chairman W J Heron, G Deighton, T Dent, J Evans, L Annison, J Donaldson – Allen and District Councillor W Patterson for information.


Meeting 9th May 2011

1) Apologies for absence
2) Minutes of the last meeting to be approved
3) Matters arising
4) Finance
       a)To consider payments
5) Highwayman’s Report
6) Report back from meetings
7) Grass cutting Contract
8) Bleatarn Parish Land
9) Permissive Path
10) Public Footpaths
11) Correspondence
12) Councillors reports & items for future agenda
13) Date & Time of next meeting


Previous Meeting: 19th April 2011.

  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of the last meeting to be approved
  3. Matters arising
  4. Travellers
  5. Elections
  6. Finance
    1. To consider payments
    2. Year End Accounts
    3. HMRC – New guidelines PAYE
  7. Highwayman’s Report
  8. Report back from meetings
  9. Grass cutting Contract
  10. Community Issues
    1. Village Green
    2. Cemetery
  11. Correspondence
  12. Councillors reports & items for future agenda
  13. Date & Time of next meeting

(Heidi Strong, Clerk)


Previous meeting: 14th March 2011, 7pm Village Hall

Minutes of a Meeting of Warcop Parish Council
Held on Monday 14th March 2011
In Warcop Village Hall
at 7.30 pm

PRESENT: Councillors W J Heron (Chairman) Councillors Mrs J Pratt, Mrs L Harrison, Mrs B Lewis and Mr T Dent.

ALSO PRESENT: Clerk Mrs Strong and 4 members of the public.

1) Apologies for Absence: Councillor Deighton & Walton.

2) Minutes of the meeting held on 10th January 2011
    These were read and signed as a true record of those proceedings.

3) Matters Arising
    Nothing to discuss


Mr Bromby sent out a questionnaire to all the beckside residents and 90% agreed that they did not want any caravans along the beckside. There were a few opinions raised from residents and some strong objections to travellers parking along Brookside. The parish council agreed to put up a concrete bollard in front of the willow maze gate, fence off the village green and the grass areas near the bus shelter. Also to fence off the area just down from the beckside (this may cause problems as some of it is concrete) It was also agreed to make the beckside no parking this means no caravans cars vans etc. Residents from beckside will have to make alternative parking arrangements until the restrictions finish. Unfortunately if bow tops and horses park here the police cannot move them which the residents were informed of. It was also agreed for the posts to be put up earlier than last year. Councillor Lewis will speak to Councillor Deighton regarding this.


The following were approved for payment:
100769 Hewetson & Harker £935.00
100770 D Kipling £24.00
100771 Clerks Salary + Expenses £592.76
CALC has informed the clerk of new guidelines for PAYE. The clerk will find out more and bring to the next meeting.

6)Highwayman’s Report

Nothing to report.

7)Report back from meetings

No-one has attended any meetings.

8)Grass cutting contract

Six quotes were received for the grass cutting contract. After a discussion it was agreed by everyone present that the tender should be given to Mr A Forrester from Appleby. This is a fixed 3 year agreement at £2,500. The Chairman will ring Mr Forrester and the clerk will send out the agreement for Mr Forrester to sign and return.

9) Community Issues

Bus Shelter – This was recently painted and unfortunately someone has sprayed painted in yellow inside which is very disappointing.

Closure of Chamley Arms – Plans to re-open the pub in late April. Plans maybe re-submitted and the parish council may have to make another decision on this.

Village Hall – Questionnaire results should be available by the end of March.

10) Correspondence

Plans 11/0125 – P Thornton no objections raised..

11)Councillors reports & items for future agenda

12)Tillery Update

Councillor Lewis has spoken to Mr D Hughes the planning officer for CCC and has sent in the following report:
The majority of the site is covered by planning permission granted by EDC for landscaping works. This has involved the importation of soils and excavated inert waste material. Alongside the beck at the western end of the landscaping works there has been some material deposited that is outside the planning permission granted by EDC. This deposit is approx. 75m x 12m wide and up to 750mm thick is a breach of planning control.
As a breach of planning control involves the deposit of waste on land without planning permission it is the responsibility of the County Council as the planning authority for waste and minerals to come to a view as to what to do.

The options available to the County Council are:

Invite Mr Johns to apply for retrospective planning permission for the works.
Ask Mr Johns to remove the material from the site and take enforcement action if necessary.
Ask Mr Johns to tidy up the deposit by grading it into the surrounding contours and seed it and take enforcement action if necessary to secure this.

Having carefully considered the matter options 1 & 2 have been rejected. This is because they are disproportionate to the harm caused by the deposit. There is also a risk that trying to remove the material will only make the situation worse.

The County council will write to Mr Johns and explain what it expects will happen to the land. This will be to grade out the material and to grass seed it.

If circumstances change for example more waste material is deposited in this or another location outside of the EDC planning permission area the Council will reconsider its position. A number of photos were taken as well as the approx. extent of the material being marked on a plan during the site visit. The site will be visited again in August to check on progress. It necessary this would allow time to take enforcement action to secure the restoration of the site this year. However in the meantime if anyone has any concerns about activity on the site or any other waste or mineral sites he will be happy to look into this.

Finally the Parish Council may wish to note that under different legislation regulated by the Environment agency Mr Johns has until Sept 2011 to import enough material for the landscaping works. After September changes in the rules will make it much more difficult to carry out this sort of activity.

13)Date and time of next meeting

Monday 18th April 2011 at 7.30pm

Previous Meeting 10/01/11

Travellers' Minutes: 10/1/11

Minutes of a Meeting with Warcop Parish Council
Eden District Council & Cumbria Constabulary Held on Monday 11th January 2011
In Warcop Village Hall
at 7.45 pm

PRESENT: Councillors W J Heron (Chairman) Councillors Mrs J Pratt
Mr T Dent, Mr G Deighton, Mr Walton, Elaine Lomas (EDC) PC Roly Early and Sergeant John Chambers.

ALSO PRESENT: Clerk Mrs Strong, 18 Members of the Public

  1. Apologies for Absence: Councillor Lewis and Harrison
  1. Travellers

The Chairman John Heron outlined the measures that were taken by the Parish Council to manage the parking of the travellers and he also raised some problems which had arisen. There was a discussion about possible solutions including a different location site for the portaloos. Some strong objections were raised and also some residents mentioned they felt the travellers had not caused any problems.
Sergeant John Chambers is in charge of planning this year’s fair and PC Roly Earl would like to build on from last year and put measures in place for this year. The police can not allow residents to park on the beck side if parking restrictions are put in place there for this year. Residents will have to find alternative parking for the duration. The police are looking into putting up restrictions signs sooner this year to try and encourage the travellers from arriving too early. The posts will be put up again on the village green and the parking restriction signs and a bollard will be put across the willow maze gate. The police encouraged the residents to find a land owner who would be willing to let the travellers use their field. After a lengthy discussion between the police EDC and the residents it was agreed that the residents should discuss between themselves if they would like parking restrictions alongside the beck. A definite decision could not be reached and it was agreed that any further suggestions should be raised and considered at the next full parish council meeting which is on Monday 14th March 2011 at 7.30pm.

SIGNED………………………………..(Chairman) DATED………………………………

To: All Councillors: Chairman W J Heron, Vice- Chairman Mrs J. Pratt, and Councillors J Walton, Mrs B Lewis, Mr G Deighton, Mr T Dent and Mrs Linda Harrison and District Councillor W Patterson for information.


Minutes of a Meeting of Warcop Parish Council

Held on Monday 10th January 2011
In Warcop Village Hall
at 7.30 pm

PRESENT: Councillors W J Heron (Chairman) Councillors Mrs J Pratt
Mr T Dent, Mr G Deighton, Mr Walton

ALSO PRESENT: Clerk Mrs Strong, 18 member of the public

  1. Apologies for Absence: Councillor Lewis & Harrison
  1. Minutes of the meeting held on 25th October 2010
These were read and signed as a true record of those proceedings.

  1. Matters Arising
The carol service was cancelled due to the wintry conditions. The clerk has reported the bridge on the footpath and is awaiting further correspondence. The Bus Shelter has now been painted and Mrs Gowling has kindly offered to clean this out on a regular basis. The dog bin has now been installed at Eden Bridge, the clerk will need to contact EDC regarding emptying this.

  1. Finance
The following were approved for payment:
100767 Clerks Expenses £45.95
100768 D Kipling £249.10

The 3 monthly bank reconciliation was signed.
There will be a bill from Hewitson & Harker for the registration of the village land amounting to a little of £900, this will come out of this financial budget.
After careful consideration and going through the projected 2011/12 budget it was agreed by all the councillors present to put up the precept to £5,000 this also takes into account the £900 shortfall from last years precept.

  1. Highwayman’s Report

Nothing to report.

  1. Report back from meetings

The village hall committee members are sending out questionnaires to all residents regarding the village hall.

  1. Grass cutting contract

It was agreed to put an advert for 2 weeks into the Cumberland & Westmorland Herald inviting tenders for the grass cutting contract and also The Way magazine. All tenders will need to be in before the end of February so a decision can be made in March.

  1. Community Issues

Bus Shelter – Previously discussed in item 3 of the agenda.
Closure of Chamley Arms – Unfortunately the Chamley Arms closed just before Christmas. WPC have written to the owner and asked if he would like to meet but as yet no response has come back. It was agreed to send a follow up letter or e-mail.
Village Hall – Previously discussed in item 6 of the agenda.

  1. Correspondence

Plans 10/0153 Black Syke - rejected by Eden District Council.

  1. Councillors reports & items for future agenda

Site meeting at cemetery
Please could the clerk write letter of thanks to Mrs Watts, Mrs Gowling and Mr Ree.

  1. Date and time of next meeting

Monday 14th March 2011 at 7.30pm

SIGNED………………………………..(Chairman) DATED………………………………

To: All Councillors: Chairman W J Heron, Vice-Chairman Mrs J. Pratt, and Councillors Mr J Walton, Mrs B Lewis, Mr G Deighton, Mr T Dent and Mrs Linda Harrison and District Councillor W Patterson for information.