Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Warcop author goes to Milan

Quite an interesting experience this week for a Warcopian. I've been to Milan to launch a book at the Fibre To The Home conference.

A very surprising relief was bumping into Tom Woof from Kirkby Stephen at the hotel reception and feeling a little less out of my depth 30 minutes into Italy!

The conference was enormous - over 3000 delegates - and although this is not my first time there, it is always somewhat difficult to find your feet.
Even with a Press Pass (I write for Computer Weekly, amongst other publications), it can be quite overwhelming when there are more people looking for a coffee between sessions than live in our Parish. Even Fair Week on Brookside has nothing on the scramble for lunch!

I do wonder occasionally how many other people are doing things from within this Parish that require far more publicity than I would choose for me. Perhaps it is time to promote our people? Sometimes, even the smallest ripple can cause a tsunami and Warcop seems to have a history of activists, doers, thinkers and artists who have caused waves - large and small.

Andy Goldsworthy, who is now world renowned, apparently learnt his trade within the village; the history of Gregson's shops shows how family can encompass business and carry it through generations, opening the Warcop History Room when the shop closed; we had electricity here before Manchester, and Lord Glenamara (Ted Short) who became the Chairman of Cable & Wireless and was Postmaster General was born 2 doors from my house.

I am proud to live in Warcop. This village has a history that engenders pride. There is, undoubtedly, much that could be improved upon - I don't for instance see bequests in the Herald that equal those which have given us the Reading Room, a seemingly untouchable Rushbearing etc - but perhaps we can learn from our forebears and leave a legacy for future Warcopians?

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