Thursday, 22 March 2012

Brookside - hundreds of items need homes!

We are shortly leaving the village and are clearing out our house.

We are placing things in front of the house (Croft House on Brookside near the village hall) which need homes so please help yourself. However, there is too much to fit out at the front of the house, and we would prefer not to support the newly saved recycling centre too much if others can make use!

There are currently demi johns, computer desks and chairs, an IKEA cupboard, wooden and metal shelving units, inspection lights, sheets of ply, a rocking chair, Wii and balance board, plant pots galore, bamboo canes, everything on , a piano, wheels and tyres, futon - the list is endless, or so it seems!

Most is free, some we are asking a small amount for to help Kizzy on her way. Please drop round if you want to help reuse, reduce, recycle. Thanks.

And a huge thank you to everyone who has made Warcop a fantastic place for the girls to grow up. We wish the new family who are moving into Croft House all the very best for the future.

P.S. Someone needs to help take on the village website now. Please contact myself or Julie. It is very, very simple and it would be great if someone could dedicate more time to it than we have been able to between day jobs, family and community work.

Thank you all.


  1. Oh, and there's a Porsche 924 and a 1973 Suzuki TS 250 that really, really need good homes!

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