Cliburn Village Hall springs to mind as an A1 community asset, but there are also Reading Rooms, pubs, shops, and a multitude of projects which may operate below the radar for the majority of the villagers in Cumbria, and particularly in Warcop.
When we first moved to Warcop, the Kids Club, run by Ann, Joan etc was a godsend, and will never be forgotten, by parent or children!
Think about the assets in your village and how they should or could be used to better effect.
In Warcop, since I came here 8 years ago, we have lost (in order) Malcolm Peart's garage, the Reading Room, Michael Gregson's shop, the Post Office, and now the pub is closed.
We are also unable to have a community party on Rushbearing or the Village Green due to insurance costs; yet, we all know that Warcop Rushbearing was one of the highlights of the summer with Cumberland Wrestling, bands, and much more.
Enough is enough. Let's take back our assets and rebuild our communities.
Send in your village hall survey if you haven't already done so. Or go and talk to Sue Fell in the Square (ask here if you need to know where she lives!) so we can keep a Village Hall for future generations.
This year, there is also a Royal Wedding. For one day, we are allowed to party, so let's do so! Warcop has a great village and community spirit. We have a village green on which to party, and committees galore who can pull something really great together so that next year in 2012 and for many years beyond, with or without a Royal Wedding, Warcop can hold yet more duck races, BBQs, Cumberland Wrestling or Tae Kwondo tournaments, crochet competitions, a Village Show, Old Tyme Dance and Disco, and a little bit of something to suit everyone.
Think about it!
I visited Warcop briefly on my visit from New Zealand where I am currently living, but want to return to the UK for family reasons. I have been following your villages progress, as Warcop is such a lovely place and it has stolen my heart. It is situated in an ideal situation for my return. Your enthusiasm to hold on to what you have is admirable, please don't stop! you must keep in place all parties and gatherings that were held in the past, and that takes effort from the community, it's easy to sit on your laurels and let the others do the work, but it needs as much input and heart as possible to continue holding 'fun' days and some wonderful precious memories to look back on in the future. I wish you all the strength you need to do this. Hope to visit again soon.